Cotton Ear Buds... (Must read it)

Please do not show sympathy to people selling buds on roadside or at Signals. Just wanted to warn you people not to buy those packs of ear-buds you get at the roadside.

It's made from cotton that has already been used in hospitals.. They take all the dirty, blood- and pus-filled cotton, wash it, bleach it and use it to make ear buds. So, unless you want to become the first person in the world to get Herpes Zoster Oticus (a viral infection of the inner, middle, and external ear) of the ear and that too from a cottonbud, DON'T BUY THEM!!

Use Branded Ear Buds only to stay away from any such Possible Problem.

13 household uses for ear buds

The first ear bud was made by securing a piece of cotton onto the end of a toothpick.

Dab the cotton swab in some makeup remover to remove eyeliner, eyeshadow or mascara smudges.
Leo Gerstenzang, who created the prototype during the 1920s, after observing his wife make the first one, decided to market the brand under the name Baby Gay Q-tips.

Since then, we’ve found so many uses for the cotton tip.


1. Over a period of time, detergent and fabric softener residue form a layer of build up in your washing machine compartments.

The best way to clean these cubicles is to reach in with an ear bud.

2. Using soap water and cotton swabs will eliminate the dirt and grime from the fins of your home and car air conditioning ducts.

3. Remove dust from the corners of windows, picture frames and statutes etc.

4. Dust and makeup often gets trapped in the corners and grooves of the medicine cabinet.

Using an ear bud to clean your cabinet will get rid of the build-up.

5. To pick up the dust from your computer’s key board, run an ear bud in between the keys. Add a few drops of rubbing alcohol onto the tip to kill any bacteria.

To pick up the dust from your computer’s key board, run an ear bud in between the keys.
This also works well with DVD players, cameras, radios and other electronic devices.

Personal care

6. Apply ointments and soothing balms to minor cuts and bruises.

7. Clean in between your baby’s toes, neck folds and outer ear with a moist ear bud.


8. Excess nail polish that bleeds onto the cuticle can be removed by simply dabbing the ear bud into a bit of nail polish remover.

Ear buds make the perfect paintbrushes for little hands.
9. Dip the cotton swab in some makeup remover to remove eyeliner, eyeshadow or mascara smudges.

10. Carrying a bottle of perfume in your handbag can sometimes be an inconvenience, especially when you’re dealing with glass.

Saturate a few ear buds with your favourite perfume, then seal them in a plastic bag.

When you need to freshen up, simply apply the swabs to your pressure points – the scent will last for hours.

Arts and crafts

11. Ear buds make the perfect paintbrushes for little hands.

Your kids can paint the brightest pictures, using a different ear bud for every new colour - and clean up will be easy.

12. Ear buds can be used to apply glue to small models and other craft projects. Use the one end to apply the glue and the other end to remove any excess glue.

DIY touch ups

13. Touch up paint jobs or dab a bit of epoxy resin to hide scratches on wood furniture.

Household uses for ear buds_Beauty

1. Excess nail polish that bleeds onto the cuticle can be removed by simply dabbing the ear bud into a bit of nail polish remover.

Ear buds make the perfect paintbrushes for little hands.
2. Dip the cotton swab in some makeup remover to remove eyeliner, eyeshadow or mascara smudges.

3 Carrying a bottle of perfume in your handbag can sometimes be an inconvenience, especially when you’re dealing with glass.

Saturate a few ear buds with your favourite perfume, then seal them in a plastic bag.

When you need to freshen up, simply apply the swabs to your pressure points – the scent will last for hours.


Nature's Flu Shot

10 Ways To Use Vinegar For Your Skin

Vinegar is equally useful in the kitchen as well as in skin care! Want to know how you can use vinegar for your skincare? What are the ways in which Vinegar can be used for our skin?

Read on for an answer to all your questions!

NOTE: Do not continue using if Vinegar starts irritating your skin.

1. Add a small cup of Vinegar to a bucket of water and take a bath with it. Vinegar added to the water helps in reducing body odor.

2. Add a small tablespoon of vinegar to your liquid body wash and wash your body with it. It will make the body skin soft, supple and smooth!

3. Vinegar acts as an astringent for oily skin! Apply Vinegar mixed with water (half-and-half) to your face to reduce redness and thus making your face smooth, and glowing!

4. Sunburns can be treated with Vinegar very easily too! Vinegar maintains pH balance of the skin and cools it down!

5. Irritated mosquito bite? Insect bite? Cuts? Vinegar can treat it all and cool them down! Vinegar helps to cure irritated skin!

6. Fungus problems on feet? Soak your feet in vinegar mixed with water to reduce smelly feet, removing fungus and other germs and thus making them glow!

7. Scrub your feet with a pumice stone and soak your feet in Vinegar mixed with water. This helps in curing dry, cracked heels and makes them soft!

8. Dirty hands? Use your hand wash to remove germs and then wash with some vinegar anf rinse with cool water! This makes your hand soft and super clean!

9. Mash 3 strawberries and add some apple cider vinegar to it. Leave the mixture for 2 hours. Strain the mixture and then apply the juice on your blackheads and leave overnight. This helps with blackheads.

10. Mix onion juice with Vinegar and apply to your age spots. Continuous use may lighten them and prevent further age spots from coming!

Vinegar help in making your skin beautiful and makes you confident!

Home Remedies for Dandruff: Get Rid of Dandruff Naturally !!

Its best to treat dandruff using natural remedies than artificial chemical based products. Here are some ways to do so:

It is important to comb your hair daily as this promotes blood circulation inside the scalp. Also, regularly massage your scalp with herbal oil.

Use hot olive or sesame oil on the scalp before bedtime. Next morning, rub little lime juice on your scalp one hour prior to bathing. Wash and rinse your hair well.

Prepare a mixture of equal amounts of vinegar and water. Apply this on your scalp and leave it on overnight. Wash your hair the next morning with a mild baby shampoo.

Soak a handful of fenugreek or methi seeds in some water overnight. Next day, grind the seeds to a paste. Apply this on your scalp and leave to rest for a couple of hours. Rinse your hair with shikakai or ritha.

Massaging the scalp with fresh apple juice is said to fade dandruff away.

A solution of beetroot juice, vinegar and some ginger juice, when applied on the scalp helps to get rid of dandruff.

Washing your hair with powder of green grams is another remedy.

Home Remedy For Freckles

Lemon juice has been known to fight against freckles; it treats freckles or any other type of skin discolorations. Apply lemon juice over the affection skin with the help of fingers will serve the purpose and will show good results. 
Freckles can also be treated with proper Vitamin supplements. Individuals suffering from freckles should increase the intake of Vitamin C. The food rich in Vitamin C includes oranges, grapes, apples, etc. 
Mask of sour cream is also thought to be good for the treatment of freckles. After the use of sour cream, the moisturizer should be applied.