Weight Loss for Banana stem

Banana stem:
Weight Loss :

Banana Stem i.e the tender core of the banana plant's trunk is an effective way to lose weight. It can be had as a juice or as a cooked food. It can be had twice a week. It should also be noted that though it is effective for weight loss, other things should also be taken into consideration like exercise and overall diet for better results.

Kidney Stones: People e suffering from Kidney stones can have the juice extract prepared from the tender core of the banana’s trunk as a remedy.

Diuretic: I t is diuretic in nature and helps to get rid of the toxins in the body.

Laxative: It is a mild laxative. Cools the body. Banana’s Stem helps to cool the body. Therefore consumption twice a week is recommended.

1 comment:

takeshi007 said...

Banana Stem is very fibrous in texture but tastes like banana. It is eaten raw as well as cooked.
Banana Stem is very healthy and is widely used in southern India as a remedy for weight loss, Kidney stones and an effective diuretic as well as a laxative.

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